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Is Your BHPH Auto Dealership Equipped For Tax Season?

By February 10, 2022February 8th, 2024Uncategorized
Make sure your dealership is prepared this tax season with iGotcha GPS.

A Golden Opportunity For BHPH Auto Dealers

With tax season in full swing, its time for BHPH auto dealers to be prepared for a time when you can be sure your customers will have extra funds to make both down payments and loan payments on vehicles. With the average refund was from 2021 standing at $2,775, an 11.2% jump from the previous year, those in the United States are set to receive a similar (or GREATER) amount this year.

Ensure Your Dealership Capitalizes on Tax Season

To ensure you are prepared to boost your revenue this tax season, be sure to check out these key tips to consider as you prepare your business for customers ready to pull the trigger on that car they have been pushing off.  Don’t wait, the time is now to prepare your dealership for your busiest time of the year.

  1. Assess Your Dealerships Inventory Levels – With the anticipation of increased demand during tax season
  2. Create Sales and Marketing Campaigns Specific To Tax Season
  3. Close The Sale. Offer Incentives To Increase Your Chances of Securing The Deal.
  4. Minimize Your Risk With Advanced Vehicle GPS Tracking

It’s no secret the period around tax season drives sales in the auto industry, with potential customers getting that extra boost of motivation to commit to securing a new car for the new year. Oftentimes dealers see nearly 50% of their business during tax season, go ahead, thank Uncle Sam… but don’t get too complacent! Ensure your dealership thrives this tax season.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable Managing Your Auto Loans

Dealers across the BHPH landscape salivate this time of year knowing customers will be flocking to their dealership with cash in hand this time of year. However, these sudden hits of cash often lead to the riskiest of buyers, only further highlighting the importance of securing your auto-lending collateral before it’s too late.

Did you know… that as of the end of 2021, United States citizens totaled $1.18 trillion in car loans! That’s right! Along with being paired with the uncertain economic state of the United States, there has never been a more critical time to streamline your payment collections with vehicle GPS tracking!

iGotcha GPS is Your Dealership’s Best Friend This Tax Season!

  • Locate Your Collateral On Demand
  • Combat Risky Buyers With Reliable GPS Tracking
  • Expedite Your Installs Through Our iGotcha GPS Mobile APP

16 Years Helping Those In The Auto-Lending Industry Thrive

CallPass has stood the test of time providing first-class vehicle management software and trackers for those looking to protect their bottom-line for faulty payments so they never have to write off an asset again. Do you want to learn how CallPass can help your business secure its profits? Click the button above to schedule a demo today!

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